Our biochemistry labs are fully equipped with state-of-the-art instruments for molecular biology, microbiology and protein biochemistry (high-end chromatography and spectroscopy systems) required for cloning, expression, purification, reconstitution and functional characterization of membrane proteins.
The modern EM labs are custom-designed and fully equipped for grid modifications, sample preparation, negative stain EM and cryo-EM. In addition to three smaller and mid-level electron microscopes suitable for screening (CM100, CM120 and a T20), we have installed in mid 2017 the brand new high-end FEI Talos Arctica Transmission Electron Microscope. The Talos Arctica is equipped with an energy-filter, a phase plate and a state-of-the-art K2 summit camera, providing the best set-up for high-resolution cryo-EM studies. For the extensive demand on image processing, we have several dedicated CPU and GPU clusters and a large data storage unit.

We offer EM facility service and consultation.
Please contact us in case of interest.